thank you tree

thanking others with a message on this piece offers a simple and beautiful activity for all ages.

about the exhibit component

Populate the tree with tags filled with messages of thanks, remembrance or other responses tied to a specific exhibit experience. The result is a constantly changing collection of notes that form an engaging narrative of thoughts and feelings.

The tree is available in three sizes (S, M, L) approximately ranging from 54” – 80” tall and 48″ – 66″ wide. Depending on the style of ‘leaf’, they can be tied with string or attached with twist ties.

materials: wood and/or HDPE plastic
cost: Large Tree: $10,500
Medium Tree: $8,250
Small Tree: $7,000
size: Large Tree: 80"tall; 66"wide
Medium Tree: 72"tall; 48"wide
Small Tree: 54"tall; 44"wide

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