exhibits for sale


rocket launcher

Creativity will soar by making a rocket and launching it!

sand molding table

A familiar childhood experience with STEAM and sensory elements.

shape stacker

innovative way to explore the elements of art with colorful shape blocks.

shape projector

explore composition, color and shape with light and shadow.

drawing machine

innovative way to explore the elements of art with line, shape and color.

color reverser

play with color with the push of a button.

vertical leap wall

how high is your vertical leap? challenge yourself and find out.

height walls

a fun and innovative way to learn how tall you are.

mold filling machine

step into the shoes of a factory worker and make these molds solo or as a team.

vacuum forces

see and feel the force of this interactive STEAM activity.

Drawings Only


sustainable STEAM building activity for informal learning spaces that works for all ages and abilities.

empathy puzzle

words and symbols are used to tell stories, make connections and stimulate conversation.

community garden

connecting both on site and online through this interactive garden exhibit.

record player

bring music into any exhibit with this updated classic piece.

eight-panel play station

multi-surface walls with numerous opportunities for play at this standing piece.

ball bouncer

uniform balls bouncing in an array offers a satisfying, repeatable activity for all ages.

balance seesaw

this enhanced playground classic adds a new layer to balance and cooperation.

whirlwind room

a thrilling, windy experience in an enclosed room of moving air and flying props.

Drawings Only

weaving wall

offer weaving on a large scale, and create an evolving art piece with this unique fixture.

train tables

all aboard for endless train play with these customizable tables.

thank you tree

thanking others with a message on this piece offers a simple and beautiful activity for all ages.

studio light table

elevate any artmaking space with this table for practicing and learning drawing techniques.

slushy table

all ages will enjoy exploring ice at this fun and innovative table.


drawing and sitting for a silhouette combines art, concentration and patience.

measuring table

measuring volume is tactile, easy and fun at this custom table.

sand light table

sand and light combine to create a new take on a classic activity.


characters and objects come alive with a spin of the table.

maker storage cabinet

a unique cabinet that will help you create a maker space in flexible, temporary, or classroom-style spaces.

machine walls

a custom-built system of magnetic parts to make a chain reaction machine for use in hands-on museums, maker spaces and classrooms.

custom tables & benches

enhance any space with made-to-order furniture.

limb bender

children safely reach new heights in an enclosed maze of platforms.

Drawings Only

light peg walls

young learners will explore color, pattern and letters through this satisfying activity.

gravity room

what you see and what you feel doesn't add up as you cross this tilted room.

Drawings Only

chain reaction building table

we give you the pieces, parts and the goal and you build a series of actions to achieve it.

car tracks

build a custom toy-car raceway with ramps, curves and straightaways.

build it

a custom-made building system lets children create unique structures using real materials and methods.